Monday, July 15, 2013

Those Who Can't

I love quotes. Quotes and sayings that are inspiring and fun and OMG THIS IS TOTALLY ABOUT ME, you know? I love anonymous quotes, quotes from movies, books, celebrities, you name it. I LOVE THEM.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. –Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter

Love does not begin and end the way we think it does. Love is a battle. Love is a war. Love is growing up. –Anonymous

My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. –Augustus Waters, The Fault in Our Stars

I’m not asexual. I’m arelationshipal. –Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Will Grayson

A true friend stabs you in the front. - Oscar Wilde.

I’d rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than an entire lifetime of nothing special. –Steel Magnolias

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. –Eleanor Roosevelt

Thos are fun, right? Here’s another:

“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”

This one I don’t get. Those who can’t teach…what?

This saying has plagued me for quite some time. Okay, about ten years. You know, since I became one of those who can’t: a teacher.

Here’s why, are you ready?

Teaching is the best job in the world. If you don’t believe me then you are either:

a.)    Not a teacher.
b.)    Not a good teacher.
c.)    Stupid.

I'm sorry, that was mean. (That one’s from Dr. Bruce Banner, just saying.)

There are probably a million reasons why teaching is not the best job ever, but here are a few reasons why I think it is:

  1. They think you’re pretty! And if they don’t, they’ll tell you! Children are the most honest creatures in the history of everything ever. Having a bad hair day? They’ll tell you. Forget your makeup? They’ll tell you. Skip a word? Read the directions wrong? Don’t worry: they’ll tell you. Teaching is great because kids are great. (I truly believe that.) Sure, you might drink a little extra on Friday night and cry every once in a while (or everyday, depending on your class), but it’s so worth it.

  1. Why is it worth it? Say little Johnny has been reading a word wrong for the past fifteen minutes or so and no matter how much you correct/coach him he still says it wrong. But here’s the thing. Eventually, maybe after the seventy-fifth time he’s said it wrong, something clicks and suddenly that word is shall and not shawl and HOLY CRAP HE GETS IT. You did that! It feels good, doesn’t it?

  1. You’re a superhero. Really. This world sucks, y’all. It’s full of crime and hatred and things that I can’t even comprehend on my best day. You fix that. For a few hours a day there’s a kid in your room who feels safer, more loved, and more important than they might anywhere else they go that day.

  1. You make a difference. Sometimes we feel like we can do nothing right, like it’s time for a career change, or man, I just need a vacation. That’s okay. You know why? Because teaching is hard. It’s not something “those who can’t” do. Teaching is not for the faint-hearted, okay? You will deal with parents, children, administrators, colleagues, and random people on the street that will hate you. Why? Who knows, it’s cutthroat out there, you’ve got to be careful. Kidding…mostly.

I think teachers, good teachers, are highly underrated, and will be for a long time. But that doesn’t mean that we stop being awesome. (Yes, I feel like I’m a good teacher, what of it?) We don’t run when things get tough, we roll with the punches even if they hurt, and we love those kids because we can, not because we can’t.

So, that’s one quote/saying that will never make it to my list of favorites, because it isn’t true. We teach because we can. We teach because we love. We teach because we want to.

At least, I do. I hope you do, too.

Here’s one more, because I like you: 

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. –Dr. Suess


  1. I've never really understood that quote either because teachers (like women aka bitches aka Tina Fey/Amy Pohler) GET STUFF DONE. Too bad I can't include the gif in my comment. But it's true.

  2. Too bad I can't include hugs in my reply.


Everything is (not) Fine

I just took my melatonin, so I'm not sure how this is going to go. Anywho. *cracks knuckles* Let's get started.  My God, teaching is...