Sunday, April 15, 2018


Guys. It's been a week. I mean, I know it's a new week because it's Sunday and all that,'s been a week. Maybe it's the fact that we're in the final few weeks of the year, or maybe we were all just grumpy last week, or, yeah I've got nothing else. 

Last week my class and I had multiple heart-to-heart conversations about showing respect for one another and, equally important, themselves. I tried to stress that the more they misbehaved, the more disrespectful they were. When they were talking or flat out not listening to directions it wasn't just hurting me, or those around them, they were hurting themselves too. 

The end of the year is stressful for everyone, and I know that it's the same with the students. (This post alone has made me break from my Weight Watchers plan. I've finished off a pint of Halo Top and now I'm eating Cheez-its.) It's the time of year when we expect more from them because they've been in school for almost 180 days. (Thanks, Irma.) We remind them that they are almost 3rd graders, they are leaders, and they have grown so much this year! 

We also remind them to...

Stay in their seat. 

Raise their hand.

Listen to directions. 

Do their homework. 

Did I mention stay in their seat? 

 Keep their hands to themselves. 

Use their manners.

I could go on and on.

Point is, some days feel like a huge fail. It feels like the whole year has been leading up to this. THIS? Now, don't take this the wrong way. I love my class. I am not a fan of the relationship we have right now. We lack mutual respect and need it now more than ever. I know it isn't there but students say things jokingly but it actually hurts my feelings. How does a 34-year-old get her feelings hurt by a second grader? Let me count the ways... 

Here's the thing. They don't have social cues to not say certain things, and to also not say certain things to adults. At some point we might want to sit back and think "Okay, parents should teach these things". Okay, but  so should we. 

That's what I'm trying to do. Desperately. 

In the meantime I absolutely do not want my students to be scared of me. I don't want them to be fearful that they are going to get into trouble. I want them to feel loved, but also feel disciplined in the way that they can tell the right thing from the wrong thing. 

Does that make sense? 

I want them to be good humans. 


35 more days to make it happen. 

Any suggestions? 

I'm sure i've used this before. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Feels Like a Monday

Within the past twenty-four hours I've gotten two text messages with a "Forty days left of school!" kind of feel about them. My internal response was something kind of like this:

Of course, blah blah blah, I love my job and all of that. This year, guys. This year is tough. I was talking with a friend today about how I'd trade last year for this year. Not to beat a dead horse, but with so many changes it's been difficult to stay consistent in so many things. 

This year is definitely making me question my "awesome classroom management skills". This year is tough. 

I've been trying a lot of different things this year and most of it has been working. There are still those days, however. These days, you know what I mean? 

It's not like today was absolutely terrible, but it could have been better. My kids and I are moving into a new routine. I had a full-time intern who recently completed her time with us so I know we're going to have a bit of a transition period. It's been nice having two teachers in the room. Now that I'm on my own again (for the second time this year) I'm pretty tired and extra cranky. *insert laughing/crying emoji*

I know it's my own fault, for the most part. I'm a control freak and there are just some things I absolutely can't control. I can't control a kid's emotions, but I can control how I react to them reacting...if that makes sense? 

Every day is different and every day is a day for reflection...right? 

That's what I keep telling myself. 

And it's only Monday. 

Everything is (not) Fine

I just took my melatonin, so I'm not sure how this is going to go. Anywho. *cracks knuckles* Let's get started.  My God, teaching is...