Saturday, January 11, 2014

Use Your Words (Wisely)

I really love words. That might not come as a surprise to anyone, but I’ve been thinking about my relationship with words for a few days now. We’re pretty committed to each other, you see. Words and I get along really well. I love to read them, write them, speak them, sing them, and listen to them. Words do their part for me, too. They can heal, encourage, entertain, and comfort.

Words are powerful.

I think sometimes we forget how powerful they are, because sometimes words do other things like: hurt, embarrass, and discourage others.

In my classroom one of our rules is Use kind words. It sounds pretty simple but often times it’s the hardest rule to follow. For example, this week (three days of school, mind you) I heard a lot of:

“He said I was mean!”

“He doesn’t want to be my partner.”

“They aren’t being fair!”

Yeah, that sound you hear is me banging my head against the wall whilst comforting small children. I love my job.

It’s just crazy that we can choose to use words so flippantly and think that they don’t matter. That because they’re just words, they don’t hurt as much. Words are our most powerful weapons if you ask me. I always think about when students might hit or cause physical harm to another because they’ve gotten their feelings hurt or something didn’t go their way. The automatic response is: “Use your words!” But, man…those can hurt, too.

As a teacher one of my biggest challenges is finding the “right” words to discipline, encourage, teach, and all those other things I do that escape me at the moment. And sometimes it’s really, really tough. It’s tough to have to think about things before they come flying out of your mouth. Personally that’s always been a probably for me. When I was younger I’d just spit out useless facts or stupid stories that would only embarrass me because people look at you like you’ve got five heads. I can’t help it, though. I already told you: I love words. 

Okay, scratch that. I love good words. I love words that encourage and tell stories, which share feelings and give hope. Those are the kind of words I love. Those are the kinds of words I’m going to focus on this year. I don’t want to focus on words that hurt or break down friendships, relationships (personal and professional), or other people. I hope you don’t want to either…*hinthint*.

My life group leaders were recently telling our group about a self-help guru on some morning show who had decided to choose a word and live by it for 2014. It’s an interesting idea. Pick a word and focus on it. Put it in every aspect of your life. To me, that’s one way that words can be powerful in a good way.

I chose the word peace. I want peace in every aspect of my life. Peace in all my relationships, in my job, in my classroom, and in my heart.

Peace out,


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