Friday, September 27, 2013

Be Awesome: A How To Guide

I notice that by Friday everyone always starts to seem frazzled. Your hair’s a mess, there’s coffee on your shirt, you’re sure to have forgotten at least three important things on your to-do list and so on and so forth. Life's hard, I get it. 

Here’s what you need to do:


Stop worrying, man.

Start being awesome instead.

  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Why? How? What? Guess what, people. It’s all small stuff. It really is. And what happens when you sweat it? Nothing! You know why? Because you’re so busy freaking out about little things here and there that you miss the big picture. You’re the big picture. Life is the big picture and you are totally missing it. 

  1. Take a break. That whole “stop and smell the roses” crap? Yeah, you should do it. Not in the literal sense, of course (unless you really like roses). But when you stop sweating the small stuff and can like, read a book or watch a movie (or have a nice frosty adult beverage, jeez), life is good. If you’re response is “I’m too busy to take a break!” then first let me roll my eyes and then I’ll mentally punch you.


Not. Even. YOU.

  1. Less of you. A little “me time” is always nice, but think about others. Trust me, it makes you feel good. Don’t think about them in a weird way, though. Or because you’re being a jerk and making fun of them (“OMG, did you see that outfit?” Whatever, stop talking about me.), but because maybe you like them or want to see how they’re doing or want to do something special for them. I don’t know, just be nice, damn.

  1. Do something. Get a hobby. Learn to knit, draw, write, and other various activities that people do. I’ve taken up running since this summer (oh, and blogging if you couldn’t tell) but I love to do all kinds of things. Okay, I like to read and I like to sing, but those count as a lot of things for me. (I’m really busy, you know.) Find something cathartic to help ease the stress and you’ll be super happy or something. I’m still working out the kinks, okay?

  1.  Shut up. This kind of goes with #3, but I really liked the idea of telling people to shut up, so it’s here. Just be quiet. Stop bitching and moaning and have a nice conversation about the weather. (Hello, anyone want to build an ark with me, sheesh.) Talking is liberating. Talking to a friend is better. Talking to yourself…seek help? 

Okay, I’ll step off my soapbox and go back to my fourth cup of coffee for today. But really, just be awesome, all right?

Also, if anyone sees me next week and I’m being un-awesome please feel free to slap me with the internet, got it?

And seriously, just listen to Kid President. He’s a smart little dude.

Happy Friday. 

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